Consulting Services
Bob has the extensive, hands-on expertise needed to ensure success. Booker Builders provides comprehensive consulting services in several areas.
Fire and Water Evaluation
- Provide detailed estimates to document insurance claim losses
- Site visit and evaluation of damages
- Forensic estimating, if required, through the acquisition of records and details from conventional and unconventional sources
- Review and evaluate insurance carriers’ proposed settlement offers
Preconstruction Services
- Site evaluation analysis
- Periodic plan review during the design development phase
- Provide value engineering/alternative scope reduction
- Conceptual budget estimating
- Concept scheduling timelines
- Permit processing with local jurisdictions
- Material selections schedule
- Attending design team meetings
New Land Purchase Due Diligence and Budgeting
- Site visit and review of jurisdictional issues
- Provide conceptual construction cost estimates, agency fee estimates with associated professional consultant budgeting
- Provide anticipated timelines for processing, permitting and site construction development needs
Legal Expert Witness Services
- Standards-of-care evaluations for various construction trades
- Site visit and destructive testing support to professional consultant teams
- Cost-of-repair estimating and reviewing of counterproposals
- Settlement negotiation support to the legal team
- Third-party independent evaluations for settlement conference and arbitration deliberations
Construction Management for Property Owners
- Organize, budget and supervise construction activities
- Bid and secure construction trades
- Monitor project scheduling and general progress of the work
- Secure permitting for revisions and work with project architects and engineers as needed for clarification/revisions to plan
- Process and approve trade progress payments
- Evaluate work quality to construction plans/specifications
- Assess safe working conditions and compliance with regional storm water regulations and best management practices
- Provide open communication with project owners as required